Her job was really tough and tiresome. Delivering mail in the box of each home of this remote suburb was not easy. Blazing sun and rainy weather were not the only issues that she faced while performing her duty rather pet and guard dogs were also a test of her patience.
One day she was walking to deliver mail when a dog appeared from nowhere and started barking at her. Scared from this sudden attack she retaliated with a small rock. The dog left the scene but the owner complained against her for hurting dog and her company fired her with heavy heart because she was hardworking without any doubt.
She took it as a challenge and decided to fix her problem in the light of lesson she learned from her experience. This time her company was kind enough and provided her a guard to ensure her safety during duty hours. She felt relaxed by the presence of guard while on duty.
On another unlucky day, she saw a big dog rushing towards her when she was close to mail box of a house. She dropped a few envelops that were already in her hand in the box and was trying to sort more when she was taken over by her own guard on the presumption that she might damage the mail while engaged with that dog. Guard made up a story and she was suspended by the company but finally terminated.
She was very sad on her bad luck but she took it as a bigger challenge. Somehow, she made her way to the job once again. Her experience of the incidents in the past made her more careful and wise. She was determined to fulfil her duties without getting involved in any controversies and issues.
She focused on her job without assistance of a guard. She took her umbrella to avoid blazing sun, raincoat in case of sudden rain, water bottle to quench her thirst and a torch in case she finish her work late at night. Now, she was fully equipped. She started delivering mail at a balanced pace and was very confident of her performance.
Indeed, it was a hot day. She was frequently sipping water from her water bottle due to blazing sun. Holding umbrella in her left hand, she was trying to move swiftly to deliver mail accurately to every mail box with her right hand. Occupied deeply by her work she couldn’t notice a big guard dog close to her. It started barking at her violently but she remained cool and calm. She delivered mail in the box very confidently and walked away.
Although, she lost her umbrella and other belongings in the struggle to fulfil her duty efficiently but she was joyous by the fact that she delivered every single envelope efficiently at the proper address. Her experience of chivalry helped her build confidence at a new level.