Difference between postures of salah for men and women and its effects?
Instead of going into the fine details pertaining to this topic it will be more appropriate to analyse the validity of this hypothetical issue by going through the principles that provide the foundations to construct this building. We will try to discuss these foundations under sub-headings in order to reach at a comprehensive conclusion to address the confusions related to this topic and the questions raised in the article by brother Hakan Yilmaz, in sha Allah.
1- Human knowledge:
As faithful believers we realize the fact that man has limited knowledge and improvement is always needed. So, no one can claim that his word is final; a scientist, a teacher, a physician or a religious scholar, etc. all fall under the same category. It might be that a theory presented by one was considered perfect at one time but at another time it is replaced by a new concept. Even the Prophet PBUH is being commanded in the following verse that display your inability about knowledge of unseen until it’s given to you by Allah.
Say, "I hold not for myself [the power of] benefit or harm, except what Allah has willed. And if I knew the unseen, I could have acquired much wealth, and no harm would have touched me. I am not except a warner and a bringer of good tidings to a people who believe." Al-A’raf 7:188
So, the search of truth can never be relinquished except what is descended by our Creator through His Messengers.
2- Hanfi Mazhab?
The use of word “Mazhab” is not appropriate for the approach adopted by any of the respectable imams of the past or present regarding any religious issues. No doubt, the services rendered by Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal Rematullah alaihe ajmaeen for easy understanding of Islam were great and unmatchable. Allah fill their graves with blessings of Noor and indeed these are.
The word “Mazhab” is used for religion and all the above mentioned imams were the followers of religion Islam. Ultimate term that can be used for their approach to resolve various issues of Islamic teachings is “Maslak”. This term is a synonym to “opinion” and is acceptable to mention the particular opinion of any scholar regarding understanding of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh). The valuable work of these imams was in the context of their time period and mostly it addresses the issues prevailed in their period. Any newly emerged issue with the passage of time needs new resolutions in accordance to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. Opinion of any imam regarding to a particular issue can also be altered or replaced if the scenario is changed.
3- Difference in salah postures:
Much has been said about the difference of postures in salah for men and women. This debate is not adding anything to the service of Islam rather creating confusions for the common believer and is providing an opportunity to the enemies of Islam to refute the solid footings of our faith.
Arguments from both the groups come with references from Hadith. Accepting or rejecting even the weak Hadith through our remarks is something that is beyond our capacity. It’s better to keep silent on such narrations which or doubtful in anyway than rejecting it straightaway unless it’s in clear contradiction to Quran and foundations of Islam. Commenting on the character of the narrator after hundreds of years is just darting in darkness.
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is accepting of repentance and Merciful.
Al-Hujurat 49:12
Instead of taking it as a conflict we can take a better way to resolve the issue. May be modesty of women was the reason that led Imam abu Hanifa R.A to support difference of postures in salah for men and women. Remember, this was the era when women used to offer their prayers in Masjid with men in congregation and there were not separate halls in Masjid for men and women. Even at home in joint family system it was preferred to follow a way that was far more modest.
This rule is still helpful in promoting modesty and avoiding any negative feelings among the faithfuls. When a woman is secured in private spot she can freely offer her prayers in a general way but at an unsecured place it’s preferred to adopt a more modest way.
4- Effects of postures on body:
a) When we talk about the effects of various postures on the body during salah, it’s a general standard. We can’t use gadgets to measure the exact effects of a posture on a part of body for everyone.
b) It’s not only the posture that plays the entire role rather the condition of that part of the body, the environment and the duration of staying in a posture are also important to be considered during evaluation.
For instance take the example of a certain physical exercise. Its impact will vary on an underweight and on an overweight body, before meals and after meals, once a day or twice a day, one hour or half an hour and in hot weather or cold weather, etc.
c) Study about fine details of human body reveals that there is difference not only in physical features between man and woman but also in hormones, size and structure of certain parts. Efficiency of various systems of the body in male and female also varies which is expressed in the terms of difference in heartbeat, blood pressure, nervous system, body temperature, etc. So, it will not be a wonder if we find the same effects on a female body with different posture or vice versa.
d) Benefits or negative effects of an exercise can be achieved through long term practice. Doing certain action a few days and then taking a long pause is not helpful in this regard. Therefore, if a woman is using a variety of postures at different time periods, her body will not be affected seriously.
e) Attaining health through salah and ablution is something that we earn in bonus and is not the main objective.
Imagine someone who bought a house and won a TV in free. He will not bother to check its brand or efficiency because it was not the main purpose of buying a house. Still it was an encouragement and value addition. Similarly, when we discuss this topic it is to encourage the faithfuls that they can get something extra while offering their prayers regularly.
5- Compensating women:
Almighty Allah rewards His slaves for their good deeds in accordance to their intention and sincerity. It is not necessary that everyone will get the same reward for a deed with different levels of sincerity. This is mentioned in Quran and Hadith at multiple places in a variety of ways.
That Allah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace. And Allah provides without measure to whom He wills.
An-Nur 24:38
The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. Al-Baqarah 2:261
If Allah does it with His own Will then who can stop Him from providing additional benefits to someone doing a similar exercise. Women are exempted to offer salah during menstruation but is it mentioned anywhere in Quran or Hadith that they will be deprived of reward for missing salah in these special days?
So, hoping for the best we need to assume good from our Creator. He is more kind than seventy mothers to their child for His servants. In sha Allah He will not let go waste the efforts of men or women.
And their Lord responded to them, "Never will I allow to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another. So those who emigrated or were evicted from their homes or were harmed in My cause or fought or were killed - I will surely remove from them their misdeeds, and I will surely admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow as reward from Allah, and Allah has with Him the best reward."
Al-Imran 3:195
6- Unity is of prime importance:
Islam emphasizes extensively on unity among faithfuls. A number of verses in the Quran are dedicated to this attribute. A number of Ahadith mentions it and a number of events and stories from Islamic history teach us the lesson of importance of unity. It will be beneficial to mention at least two verses from the Quran which commands believers to stand united.
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah does make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.
Al-Imran 3:103
The following verse of Suratul-Anfal mentions the negative effects of disputing un-necessarily. We should try our best to avoid at least all those topics which has nothing to do with belief. If beliefs are perfect then all other deeds will be rewarded subject to our intentions and Ikhlas. Method of salah, timings of salah, suhoor and iftar timings, etc. may vary but these are all proven by our beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him.
And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.
Anfal 8:46
We can discuss difference of opinion and actions in Fiqh but at a level where it is not a conflict that lead us to doubt faith of each other. Allah give us the ability to understand Deen in true sense and unite us at the platform of Faith and Eemaan. Ameen
Islam is not a rigid faith. Indeed it's easy to practice by following the role model of Holy Prophet PBUH. This article is a good effort on this issue.
Islam is not a rigid faith. Indeed it's easy to practice by following the role model of Holy Prophet PBUH. This article is a good effort on this issue.