It’s really hard in this human manipulated world to find a person facing no trouble. The nature of problems being faced might be different but each one needs assistance to get rid of it. Right from need of daily provisions, disobedience of children, un-employment, domestic conflicts, wishes and political aspirations to global conflicts; there are wide range of issues faced by almost every class of the society.
Obviously, everyone wants to see them resolved and use different methods. Sick goes to a doctor, to earn we need to work and so on, but it is just a measure to comply with the law of darul-asba’b.
However, as a believer we have direct access to Musabib al asba’b – Almighty Allah. Moreover, we are lucky enough that Allah Himself ask us to call Him and He will respond.
Ibn ‘Abbaas رضي الله عنه narrates:
“One day I was riding behind the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and he said to me:
يا غلام احفظ الله يحفظك احفظ الله تجده تجاهك وإذا سألت فلتسأل الله وإذا استعنت فاستعن بالله واعلم أن الأمة لو اجتمعوا على أن ينفعوك لم ينفعوك إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله لك ولو اجتمعوا على أن يضروك لم يضروك إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله عليك رفعت الأقلام وجفت الصحف