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Prophet Ibrahim
  Alaih e Salam
Ismael A.S & Lut A.S

Anayat Bukhari


There are several biographies of prominent prophets of the past written by different people, including eminent historians. Most of them might be useful in one way or another. It is not the purpose of this book, to contradict existing biographies in anyway. 
There are three basic objectives of writing this biography of Ibrahim A.S, having title “Prophet Ibrahim A.S, in Quran”. Firstly, to keep the story of Ibrahim A.S within the boundaries stipulated by Quran. Secondly, to make it equally beneficial and easy to learn for all groups of age; kids and adults. Thirdly, to state the lessons derived from various stories of Ibrahim A.S in a precise way. Ismael A.S and Lut A.S are also included in this book, because of some events that are closely linked to Ibrahim A.S. 
“Prophet Ibrahim A.S, in Quran”, is a part of the series of books of “In Quran stories of Prophets”, compiled by me. All the important events mentioned in Quran about the life of Ibrahim A.S are included in it, topic-wise. It is tried to use simple and easy to understand language to express various instances. 
Sequence of different topics related in it, provide an uninterrupted reading experience to all readers having different mental levels. References are given in foot notes instead of main text that can be seen by those who are interested in details. 
Every topic is supported by relevant verses of Quran which are given in foot notes. Arabic text and its English translation are helpful to learn deeply about various occurrences in life of Ibrahim A.S. It also ensures the authenticity of the story and provides references to produce authentic literature about Ibrahim A.S and his people. 

Read it, enjoy the story, learn lessons and tell us about your experience with this book at our website.


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